
Application for participation in the event(イベント申込)


*1. Event(イベント名)

■Little Ambassador Program(リトルアンバサダー・プログラム):
-2011/6/5(sun), 11:00-14:30 Meet the World (Republic of the Sudan) @Tokyo Prince Hotel: Fee(Adult3,500yen, Child4,500yen), Little Ambassadors Club menber fee(Adult2,500yen, Child3,000yen)
-2011/6/5(日), 11:00-14:30 Meet the World (スーダン共和国) : 一般(大人3,500円, 子ども4,500円), リトルアンバサダー倶楽部会員(大人2,500円, 子ども3,000円)。会場は東京プリンスホテル
-2011/7/10(sun), 11:00-14:30 Meet the World (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) @Tokyo Prince Hotel: Fee(Adult3,500yen, Child4,500yen), Little Ambassadors Club menber fee(Adult2,500yen, Child3,000yen)
-2011/7/10(日), 11:00-14:30 Meet the World (ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国) : 一般(大人3,500円, 子ども4,500円), リトルアンバサダー倶楽部会員(大人2,500円, 子ども3,000円)。会場は東京プリンスホテル
■ Hungarian Cooking Class(ハンガリー・クッキングクラス):
-2011/5/29(sun), 11:00-17:00 with Hungary Embassy Chef@Danjyobyoudousankaku Center (Lebra) : Fee(Adult4,000yen, Child1,500yen)
-2011/5/29(日), 11:00-17:00(講師 ハンガリー大使館シェフ): 大人4,000円, 子ども1,500円)。会場はJR田町駅近くの男女平等参画センター(リーブラ)

2. Number of participants(ご参加人数)

- Children(子ども)


-- name and birthday(お名前と生年月日):

ex.) Keita TAKEMURA 2002/6/28

- Parents/Guardians(大人)

-- name(お名前):

ex.) Keita TAKEMURA

3. Representative of your group(代表者)

*- Name(お名前)

*E-mail address(メールアドレス)

* Latest information from IWCJ will automatically be e-mailed to your address.

Telephone Number(電話番号)

- -

Questions or comments(ご質問もしくはコメント):

Please note that registration cannot be completed if the information is incomplete or there are input errors.

Personal information received from applicants will be handled as set forth in the personal information protection policy of International Women's Club JAPAN Foundation(for details, please access to
個人情報は一般財団法人International Women's Club JAPANにおける個人情報の保護の考え方に基づき運用させていただきます(詳しくは をご確認ください)。

1. Little Ambassadors

For our Little Ambassadors

o0350048010292552253.jpgChildren are curious by nature. It is their job to venture, feel, seek what interests them and cultivates their imagination. Cooking is an essential part of any human activity, and a skill that holds so many positive influences when started at a young age. Through cooking easy and fun simple dishes, with chefs from Embassies, they will learn endless information about their culture, history, language and country. This will be the best textbook in learning about different countries with hands-on experience and true interaction with the people who best represent their own countries. This, we believe, will broaden our ‘Little Ambassadors’ perspective and give them the base of being true global people in the future.

Parents of Little Ambassadors

For our vision to succeed, the parents’ understanding for this program is essential and key for their children to become Little Ambassadors. There are many ways to learn about different cultures, it’s people and their countries, but we have decided to use something very essential in every culture to become the starting point for our Little Ambassadors’ worldly interaction - COOKING THEIR TRADITIONAL FOOD. Every culture has unique dishes and cooking methods, ingredients and stories behind each traditional and local food. Some come from a long lineage of family recipes passed down from generation to generation. Others have come from refined traditions, and noble history. As a whole, food and food culture embodies the essence of each culture and their people in very intimate ways. And what better way to learn about a culture and its people other than cooking their very own food?
So, we have decided to use this amazingly fun and delicious method of cooking with chefs or people from each embassy, to represent their traditional dishes. This gives them the opportunity to interact, and teach about the story behind the food including culture, language, customs, and interesting information about their country on a whole new level. And with the delicious interaction of using hands-on experience, of making the food (active interaction) and devouring it later (taste-bud experience), will become an opportunity for our Little Ambassadors to appreciate more about the true cultural experiences.

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2011/5/15; Meet the world (Republic of Haiti)

2011/6/5; Meet the world(Republic of the Sudan)

2011/7/10; Meet the world(Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)


2011/4/15 (Fri.):
TDL Luncheon
2011/5/8 (Sun):
TDL Lunxheon

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